1. What did you accomplish?
I accomplished an accurate Spider-Man Painting
I also followed the gridlines to create Spider-Man.
2. Are you satisfied with your Super Hero enlargement? Why / Why not?
I'm satisfied with my enlargement because I put a whole lot of work into it.
3. What did you find easy when you created your Super Hero enlargement? I found painting because I just needed to paint the areas red, blue and black.
4. What did you find challenging when you were creating your Super Hero enlargement? I found enlarging the Spiderman and following the gridlines challenging, as I'm not a good drawer.
5. What do you need to work on? I need to work on using rulers more often to make accurate measurements.
6. What would you change with your Super Hero enlargement? I would like to change the hands
because you could hardly see what the hands looked like on the paper.
7. What would you do next time to improve superhero enlargement? One I would try to make my enlargement better and to be quicker.